When setting up the Wireless Camera with your 2 Point Wireless Network, it is recommended to set up in this sequence:
- Set up Endzone equipment (if possible don't raise your tower yet and have an assistant wait by the equipment).
- If setting up by yourself you may raise the endzone tower before the initial test.
- Set up Pressbox equipment and test the system at this location.
- Once it is confirmed everything is working have your assistant raise the endzone tower if this is an option.
This method avoids most errors and reduces the amount of walking across the field.
2 Point Wireless Network Setup
Endzone Tower Setup
30' Tower Setup
Insert the tower into the base plate with wheels and then extend all 4 locking legs:
Then tighten all 4 knobs:
20' Tower Setup
Loosen the top mast knob and start spreading the three legs. It's easiest to anchor one leg against the ground and pull apart:
Expand the legs as wide as possible and then loosen the lower mast knob:
Lower the center mast pole to the ground and then re-tighten the lower knob:
Lastly, tighten the upper mast knob:
Endzone Equipment Setup
Equipment Overview - Endzone Kit:
1.) Network Battery 2.) Front Computer/Camera Battery 3.) Smart Camera Head 4.) Sony Camcorder |
5.) 30ft Ethernet Cable 6.) POE Injector 7.) Bridge Antenna 8.) Side Motor Battery (not pictured) 9.) 30ft HDMI Cable (not pictured) |
Wireless Camera Head Setup:
Step 1. Take the Wireless Camera out of the hard case and Plug the USB extender cable from the camera to the battery
Your handycam will come with a USB extension cable. It will normally be marked with white tape as pictured below. Use this to connect the handycam to the battery on the front of the Smart Head where it says "Camera" in white.
IMPORTANT! - The Sony camera has its own internal battery and it is highly recommended to charge the Camera itself from time to time. It can be charged like shown:
Step 2. Open the camera view finder to turn the camera ON and make sure to EXIT any Menu screens if needed.
What if I'm getting a message saying "Playback Mode Only" or something similar and I can't get out of the Menu screen?
If you're getting "Playback Mode Only" or "Cannot Record in USB Power Mode" or something similar, see:
How do I know if the camera is using the battery power correctly?
Step 3. Connect the provided Short HDMI Cable to the Camera and Wireless Head
You will take the small end of the HDMI cable and (1) plug it into the Sony camera, on the same side as the viewfinder. The large end of the cable will (2) plug into the blue box, into the port labeled "CONNECT CAMERA."
Step 4. Mount the camera head onto the tower.
If you have the below mount type, be sure to push all the way down. BOTH O-Rings should be fully inserted.
What if my mount is different?
If you have the below mount type, screw the entire Wireless Camera head 360 degrees on to the threaded screw in the top pole. Make sure not to cross-thread and do not have yellow motor cord plugged into battery yet. Remember: right-y tight-y, left-y loose-y.
Step 5. Connect the yellow motor power cable to the side motor battery
Your side motor battery may look different than the one pictured below but connects the same way.
What if I have an older system that doesn't have a side Motor Battery?
If you only have one front battery that looks like the picture below, we highly recommend Converting the XTPower (Pre-2020) Smart/Wireless Camera Battery to the New Battery Setup
If you have the cylinder battery, we also recommend replacing it with the new side motor battery but this is less critical. The cylinder battery setup looks like this:
The latest motor battery can be found online for purchase HERE and a male-to-female USB cord for the camera connection can be found HERE.
If purchasing on your own you will need to provide your own adhesive velcro in order to attach the new motor battery to the side of the blue camera head:
Step 6. Connect the 30-foot Ethernet Cable key ring to the carabiner already attached to eyelet screw.
Make sure that there is a loop on the Ethernet cable to ensure the weight of the cable is on the relief hook, and not on the Ethernet port, as shown below. Then connect to the Ethernet port as shown:
Important: Do not tamper or remove the breakaway adapter cords connected from the plate to the ports in the blue camera head unless instructed to do so.
What if I don't have the Port Protection Plate Ethernet Connection as pictured above?
Important: This step is mandatory. Failure to use the strain relief can damage the Ethernet port of the Wireless Camera and is not covered under warranty.
Connect the carabiner to the strain relief hook
A carabiner is connected to the end of the 30’ blue Ethernet cable. Attach the carabiner to the hook located at the bottom right corner of the Wireless Head. See photo for reference.
Connect the Ethernet Cable to the Wireless Head
Connect the Ethernet cable into the port labeled “Ethernet”. Make sure that there is a large loop on the Ethernet cable to ensure the weight of the cable is on the relief hook, and not on the Ethernet port, as shown below.
It is highly recommended to have the Port Protection Plate installed on your unit if you do not have it yet.
Call (or Text) at our Support number directly: 509-204-3270
Or Email us at support@sportscope.com
Step 7. Connect the Power Cable for the Wireless Head LAST
Plug the small end of the computer power cable to the Power port on the blue box (1), and the large end into the battery (2) (This is the black cable with the blue USB end)
Endzone Networking:
Step 1: Connect the Endzone Battery to the white POE Injector.
Step 2: Plug Bridge Antenna and Wireless Camera into the POE Injector
Connect the black Ethernet cable from the Endzone Bridge antenna into the POE Injector on the port labeled "POE" in red (black sticker).
Then connect the other end of the blue 30-foot Ethernet cable from the Wireless Camera into the other port (blue sticker). See photos below for reference:
Step 3: Attach the Bridge Antenna to the Tower
Make sure to angle the Bridge Antenna directly toward where the Pressbox Bridge antenna is going to be.
What is the most optimal way to setup/angle the Endzone Bridge antenna?
The most optimal way to ensure a good connection between the Endzone Bridge and Pressbox Bridge is first:
- Make sure there are no physical obstructions in its path, for example the field goal bars, fencing, large bodies of people, sleds, etc.
- The higher the antenna can be, the better. See example of how some past customers have elevated the antenna:
- Don't angle the antenna as high as you think. The angle can be deceiving. A better signal is achieved by defaulting to a lower, or more horizontal, angle towards the pressbox like shown (although some upward angle is necessary):
- In summary:
- Avoid obstructions
- Higher antenna elevation
- Lower antenna angle
Step 4: Switch on the battery to power the POE Injector and Bridge Antenna
On your Endzone Battery there is a toggle switch to turn on the AC outlet port on it. Switch this into the "ON" position to give power to your antenna. See the picture below:
The antenna will not link until the Pressbox equipment has been set up.
- Pay attention to the lights on the side of the Bridge antenna.
- Once it is fully powered and has connected to the Pressbox Bridge antenna, you will see a total of 6 lights.
- 1 solid power light
- 1 flashing light for Main
- 4 solid lights to show the signal strength of the link (unavailable until Pressbox bridge is connected)
What if the Main light is not flashing?
If the flashing Main light is not on, that means that the antenna isn't reading the Endzone Camera.
- Make sure the Wireless Camera Head is powered on and that the Ethernet cable is connected correctly.
- You may want to re-plug the Wireless Camera head power cord (with blue tape) back into the battery to reboot the computer.
Raising the Tower
- Loosen top knob and slide pole up.
- Once you feel the stopper, slide the pole down a few inches.
- Lock the knob and clip the blue ethernet cable into the large carabiner.
- Repeat with each pole to reach desired height.
IMPORTANT! - Always keep two hands on tower poles when raising or lowering for safety.
Pressbox Equipment Setup
Equipment Overview - Pressbox Kit:
1.) Extension Cable/Power Strip 2.) Router Power Supply 3.) Pressbox Router 4.) Pressbox iPad Antenna 5.) Pressbox Bridge Antenna & Tripod (tripod not pictured) |
Step 1: Power up the Pressbox Kit
Simply plug the extension cord of the provided power strip into an AC outlet inside the pressbox.
Step 2: Attach the Pressbox Bridge to the Tripod or another Object and Position OUTSIDE the Pressbox as much as possible
Using the mounting clamp, attach the Pressbox Bridge Antenna to the tripod as shown below or to some object on the outside of the pressbox, for example a pole or window edge. The antenna will be pointed downward directly at the Endzone Bridge.
- You may also clamp the antenna to another object outside of the pressbox - you are not required to use the tripod.
Angle this antenna directly toward your Endzone Bridge.
- The antenna cannot be behind glass or in a narrow space. Nearby structures, glass, metal, or unrelated electronic equipment may cause interference. Place away from all of the above so that it has an open line of sight with the Bridge on the field.
What if I can't place my Pressbox Bridge Antenna outside the pressbox, the window doesn't open or it isn't wide enough?
Ideally, the Pressbox Bridge can be set up in a pressbox with a large window capable of opening like in the picture above.
However, if the window does not open, is too narrow, or the pressbox is not traditional, the Pressbox Bridge can be placed elsewhere, for example on top of the pressbox. In this case you may need to replace the ethernet cable with a longer one.
The latch on the back of the antenna can be slid down to access the ethernet port. See Figure A below:
You can then use a longer cord, for example a 25-foot CAT6 ethernet cord (not included) in its place. This will give you the freedom to set or place the Pressbox Bridge antenna in a more ideal location, for example on top of the pressbox:
Step 3: Set the Pressbox iPad Antenna on Window INSIDE OF ROOM with iPads
Take the iPad antenna and use the suction cup on the back to stick it to a window in the press box and position towards the coaches inside. The "rabbit ears" ideally should each be at a 45-degree angle.
What if I don't have a window or a traditional pressbox?
If you cannot suction cup the antenna to a window, you can set it elsewhere in the pressbox.
- The antenna can be set on a table.
- If all coaches with iPads are on top of the pressbox or in a "Crow's Nest" the antenna can be propped up in the Pressbox hardcase kit by the router.
- Do NOT attach the antenna to a chain link fence. Chain link is a notorious disrupter of wifi signals.
Important: All iPads connected to the Pressbox network - INCLUDING THE CONTROL IPAD - will need to be within 15 Feet of the iPad antenna. Any further and you will have issues with lag and latency.
Does the Pressbox Bridge antenna need to be in the same room as the iPads?
No it does not. Also, the iPad antenna and Bridge antenna do NOT need to be in the same room or vicinity as each other.
- The round Pressbox Bridge needs a clear shot of the Endzone Bridge down on the field. It does NOT need to be near any iPads
- The Pressbox iPad Antenna with "rabbit ears" needs to be near ALL iPads in the pressbox area.
- For these reasons, this is an appropriate alternative setup if needed:
What if I can't have the Pressbox Coaches' iPads and the Control iPad all in the same room or area as the Pressbox iPad Antenna with "rabbit ears"?
If an iPad is separated from the iPad Antenna by too much distance or a barrier such as a wall, ceiling, glass etc. you may still be able to connect to the SportScopePressbox wifi but this can cause major network issues!
It is highly recommended to NOT take this risk!
If because of logistics not all iPads can be near the antenna there is a recommended option of "Hardwiring" the control iPad to the Pressbox Router so that you have the freedom of either moving that iPad to a new location, or moving the iPad Antenna to a different location.
Then your only limitation will be the length of your Ethernet cable.
See: How to use an iPad Ethernet Adapter.
Or while using the Hardwired option you can also replace the current Ethernet cable of your iPad Antenna with a longer cable like so:
This will give you the freedom to move the antenna to a different location where multiple iPads are if needed.
Step 4: Connect Both Antennas to the Pressbox Router
Connect the black Ethernet cables from BOTH antennas into the pressbox router, into the ports labeled "Antenna" with the black dots. They are interchangeable, so you can plug either antenna into those ports. See the photo below for what it should look like when you're done:
The Bridge antenna should now be able to link with the Endzone Bridge on the field.
- Pay attention to the lights on the side of the Bridge antenna.
- Once it is fully powered and has connected to the Pressbox Bridge antenna, you will see a total of 6 lights.
- 1 solid power light
- 1 flashing light for Main
- 4 solid lights to show the signal strength of the link
What if I don't have all 6 lights?
If your antenna does not have all 4 link lights: double-check that the bridge antenna is aimed at the endzone bridge and there are no obstructions interfering with the signal.
Step 5: Verify
Next connect your master Control iPad to the Sport Scope PressBox wifi:
- Go to the iPad Settings > Wi-Fi > Select SportScopePressBox_S*****
- Input your password
- Verify you are connected to the wifi. You should see a blue checkmark and a message that says No Internet Connection. THIS IS CORRECT AND NORMAL.
- Then open the Sport Scope App > Select the 3 horizontal line Menu icon in the top left > and then select Cameras. You should see Endzone - Ready on the screen as shown below. This means your camera and Wireless head are functioning correctly with each other and on the network.
NOTE: The Cameras page is the best place to start after setting up your equipment each time to verify that the system is working.
What if my camera is not Ready?
- If you see Not Connected or you do not see your camera flashing on the screen at all, go to iPad Says Not Connected to troubleshoot.
- If you see Camera Offline or the status is flashing between Ready and Camera Offline go to iPad Says Camera Offline to troubleshoot.
Next we will create a test game to temporarily test the Wireless Camera system to make sure everything is working:
- If you do not know how to create a new game yet, go to: How To Create and Start a Game.
Once the game is created:
- If the controls panel is collapsed, tap the arrow to un-collapse it:
- Test the motor controls (by default on the right hand of the screen).
- Test the zoom controls (by default left side of screen).
- Record a few test clips using the red record button.
- Tap the thumbnail of the clip you recorded at the bottom of the screen.
What if my Zoom is not working?
If the zoom controls on the left side of the screen for control of tight and wide of the Sony Camcorder are not working see: Zoom is Not Working - Smart/Wireless Camera
What if my Pan and Tilt (left, right, up or down) controls are not working?
- If none of the pan or tilt controls are working and you're getting "Double Zoom" on both sides of the screen see: Both Pan & Tilt Not Working (AKA Double Zoom) - Smart/Wireless Camera
- If pan left and right is working but tilt up or down is not working see: Tilt is Not Working (Up and Down) - Smart/Wireless Camera
- If tilt up and down is working but pan left or right is not working see: Pan is Not Working (Left and Right) - Smart/Wireless Camera
What if one of my camera angles has distorted video?
If the endzone angle video is distorted on the live feed then select the following:
- Endzone is distorted: Distorted Video on iPad - Smart/Wireless Camera
Raising the Tower
- Loosen top knob and slide pole up.
- Once you feel the stopper, slide the pole down a few inches.
- Lock the knob and clip the blue ethernet cable into the large carabiner.
- Repeat with each pole to reach desired height.
IMPORTANT! - Always keep two hands on tower poles when raising or lowering for safety.
Congratulations, the setup is now complete!
How to Upload Film, Breakdown, and Storage Tips
How to Upload Film & iPad Clip Downloads
- All upload instructions can be found HERE.
- Once the game is over and BEFORE breaking down any equipment, be sure to review all the clips looking for Blue Download Arrows on the iPad you're going to Upload from.
- Tap on them to download the clips. Check both angles.
There should be NO BLUE ARROWS REMAINING before you Share your Game.
- Learn more about ensuring all clips are downloaded and How to Upload Film at Upload to Hudl from iPad
Wireless Camera
- If you have the "Pop-in" style mount with O-rings, see below for how to dismount:
- If you have the screw on style mount, see below for how to dismount:
- Keep the Sony camera on the Wireless Camera at all times and the L-shaped zoom cord plugged into the Sony camera at all times as well.
- Make sure the 2 unmarked black USB cables next to the Ethernet port are ALWAYS plugged in. These cables should never be unplugged.
- Always unplug the computer power cord (with blue color-coded tape) and the short HDMI cord from the blue Wireless Camera head before storing the head in the foam of the large hardcase.
Important: If you are using the Record to Camera option, the memory card is needed for the zoom to work when you are recording to the memory card. If the memory card gets full, the zoom will stop working. Be sure to empty the SD card between games if you are saving the recording to the camera to prevent this issue from happening.
- The ideal way to clear the SD card is in the camera by going to the Sony camera's Menu > Setup > Format.
Can I use the system in the rain?
Yes, the system can be used in the rain but you MUST apply the rain gear:
Wireless Endzone Camera Backup Parts
Power cord pack (IMPORTANT: See image below to carefully determine what type you need):
- If you have Type A then use this cable
- If you have Type B (w/ blue sticker) then use this cable
Battery Upgrade:
First take a look at the picture below to see which battery setup you have.
- If you have the 2018/2019 battery where all three cords plug into one battery, you should seriously consider upgrading. That battery is almost certainly going to have a diminished battery life due to it's age and we have found that powering all three devices off a single battery, especially motors and the onboard computer, has an impact on performance.
- If you have the 2020/2021 setup, likely the battery on the front still has decent lifespan and has not yet aged out, but just like the 2018/2019 setup, separating the motors to their own battery has provided a more responsive system with a smaller chance of issues.
- If you have the 2022 battery, you are up to date!
Port Protection Plate (if not already installed):
This protects your computer’s Ethernet port from damage. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AND ONLY $30 + SHIPPING!
If you are interested in upgrading your battery or getting the Port Protection Plate, contact us for a quote!
Call or Text Support at 509-204-3270
Or Email us at support@sportscope.com
We're available via Call (or Text) at our Support number directly: 509-204-3270
Or Email us at support@sportscope.com
Support Hours
Our current* regular business support hours are as follows:
Pacific Time | Mountain Time | Central Time | Eastern Time | |
Monday | 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM |
9:30 AM - 8:00 PM |
10:30 AM - 9:00 PM |
11:30 AM - 10:00 PM |
Tuesday - Friday | 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM |
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM |
9:00 AM - 9:00 PM |
10:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Saturday | 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM |
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Sunday | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed |
*Note: The above hours are subject to change depending on current demand for support.
Rest assured that you can expect extended evening support hours during the fall football season.
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