EDGE Replay Setup - Pressbox
Step 1: Take out the antenna labeled Press Box and mount it to a Window
The antenna will include a suction cup window mount. Attach this to your antenna and suction cup it to the outside of your pressbox window. Then press down on the suction mount's clamp to lock the mount into place.
Step 2: Aim the Antenna to the Sideline
The Pressbox antenna will aim down to the sideline where the coaches will be standing. If you have an endzone angle, point the Press Box antenna between the coaches on the sideline and your endzone camera, about at the 25 yard line.
Important: Make sure that this antenna is aimed down towards the coaches. Otherwise the signal will be sent over their heads and they will have difficulty connecting to the network.
Step 3: Setup the Router
First: Connect the router power adapter to the router. Take the other end of the router power adapter and plug it into an AC outlet inside the Pressbox.
Second: connect the black ethernet cable from the antenna into the port labeled Antenna on the router. It will be marked with a black dot. It should look like this when you are done:
Step 4: Setup your Sony Camera
First we will check some settings on your Camera.
Note: If you have already done this previously, go ahead and move on to Step 5
Go to Setup (The icon with the toolbox):
Scroll down until you reach HDMI Resolution:
If it isn't already set to it, change the HDMI Resolution to "Auto", 720p
After that, scroll down until you reach "Power Save"
If it isn't already, set this to "Off"
This will prevent the camera from falling asleep while you are trying to film.
Step 5: Mounting and Connecting your Camera
First, mount your Sony Camera to your tripod.
Next, find the Sony Camera power cable and wall plug.
Connect the wall plug to an AC outlet in the press box. Then connect the USB female end to the USB cable on the back of your Camera, as pictured below:
Step 6: Setup the EDGE Replay box
First thing you will do is connect the power cable for your EDGE Replay box. You will take the MicroUSB end of the EDGE Box power adapter and put it into the port labeled "Power In", like so:
Next, connect the HDMI cable from the Sony Camera to the HDMI In port.
If it is not connected, connect the blue Ethernet cable to the EDGE Box and Pressbox Router. Your router should look like this when you are done:
Step 7: Verify
Once this is complete, connect your iPad to the EDGE network and verify that you can see the Pressbox camera. You can do this by opening the menu on the left and tapping on Cameras. See photo below:
If you see "pressbox - Not Connected" on this page, stop and review these steps to ensure everything is connected properly.
EDGE Replay Setup - Endzone
Step 1: Take out the antenna labeled Press Box and mount it to the tower
The antenna will include a mount to attach it to one of the tower's legs. If you have lost the mount, you can lean the antenna against something instead.
Step 2: Aim the Antenna to the Pressbox
The Endzone Antenna will aim directly at the Pressbox antenna. This will connect the Pressbox and Endzone kits together and create your 2-point network.
Important: The antenna needs to aim up to the pressbox. If it is not aimed up, the antennas will have difficulty communicating with each other.
Step 3: Setup the Router
Your Endzone Kit will include a battery to power the router and the antenna. The type of battery you have for your endzone will depend on when you purchased it. If your battery looks like this:
What you will do is connect the cable marked with the blue tape to your battery, and the other end into the router's power port.
After this, connect the ethernet cable from the antenna into the port marked "Antenna" with the black dot on the router. Use the photo below for reference:
Step 4: Connect the EDGE Replay box
An in depth guide to this can be found HERE. The short version of it, in this order:
- Connect the power to the EDGE box
- Connect the Camera to the EDGE box
- Connect Ethernet from the EDGE box into the Router
Once you're done, it should look like this:
Step 5: Verify
First, check the signal on the antenna for the Endzone. When it has connected with the Pressbox antenna, you should see the signal bar showing full strength. Adjust the angle of the antennas if the lights don't look like this:
The final step is to connect your iPad to the EDGE network and verify that you can see both the Pressbox and Endzone camera. You can do this by opening the menu on the left and tapping on Cameras. See photo below:
If you see "Not Connected" on this page for either angle, stop and review the Endzone Wireless Network steps to ensure you didn't miss anything.
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