The Preference Page in the Sport Scope App has many important settings.
The settings on this page are local meaning they only affect the iPad you are currently using when the settings are changed.
Let's go into more detail of the settings shown above:
- "Show Playback PIP Window"
- PIP stands for picture-in-picture (see the top right of the image below where it says "Endzone")
- This is how you can easily swap between viewing angles on the home screen
- PIP stands for picture-in-picture (see the top right of the image below where it says "Endzone")
- "Playback PIP window position"
- In the above example, you can see the setting has been changed to "Top, Left"
- In the first image, it is set to "Bottom, Right"
- Where you position this is up to you
- "Automatically Download Clip"
- When turned on, clips will be downloaded to the iPad you are using automatically after the recording has been made
- We highly recommend that this feature stay turned on
- "Enable Live Feed"
- Only ONE iPad should ever have this turned on and that is the control iPad in the pressbox
- You will experience lag and network issues if more than one iPad has this setting turned on
- Wireless and Smart Camera systems will turn this on for the control iPad ONLY
- Edge Replay systems do not need this setting turned on
- Only ONE iPad should ever have this turned on and that is the control iPad in the pressbox
- "Loop Play"
- When you review clips they will automatically restart after you have watched all the way through to the end
- "Show Video Player Only When Mirroring"
- When the iPad is hooked up to a TV/Monitor and this setting is "Off", you will see what the iPad is displaying on the TV/Monitor (Play/pause, fast forward, record button etc)
- When the iPad is hooked up to a TV/Monitor and this setting is "On", you will only see the recorded clip on the TV/Monitor and it will be fullscreen.
- "Next Clip Default"
- Changes the default direction of the "Next" or "Previous" buttons on the replay screen.
- For instance, by default the "Next" button will move from play #8 to play #7 and so on in decreasing order. By toggling "Next Clip Default" the "Next" button will move from play #7 to play #8 in increasing order.
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